Alison Johnson


Alison Johnson began her Pilates training as a dancer in 1994 while attending Stephens College. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in dance in 1997, which included a comprehensive curriculum of anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology. Alison went on to receive her certification in the Classical Pilates Method in 1998 through The Pilates Guild, studying under the late Romana Kryzanowska and Bob Liekens, both of whom shaped what the world knows as “Classical Pilates.”

Alison’s teaching style has grown with life experience and 26 years of teaching. She has had the opportunity to fine-tune her approach to working with people with a variety of issues and goals, including autoimmune disorders, cancer treatments, recovery from a specific injury, seniors, and overall healthy individuals looking to improve their fitness abilities. In addition to having two children by cesarean section, she has worked with many women preparing for pregnancy, going through pregnancy, and recovering from childbirth.

She continues to love helping people feel better as they grow stronger and more confident in the way they approach movement and life.

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